Monday, October 7, 2013

Weather in Flagstaff, Alternatively Titled, "Yes, We Stayed in a Yurt for Ellen's 40th Birthday"


  1. Happy Birthday Ellen! We love keeping up with the trip through the weather girls reports. Wendi says, "Here's an update from Macon. It's finally starting to feel like fall."

    1. I meant to reply to this ages ago! Thanks so much for the birthday wishes. It's really hard (gulp) to believe that I'm 40!

  2. Well done, girls! You're better than our local weather reports. What am I to do? These local weather guys just don't cut the mustard. You'll have to create a program that we can all tune into for weather updates. -- Looks like you all had a wonderful, memorable trip. Connie and I are looking into renting a yurt in the near future. You exemplify what family is all about. Thanks for stopping in Fargo to see us. It was a September highlight! -- Best, Mike and Connie

    1. Thank you! The girls had so much fun doing the weather girls. In fact, we think we might get them a weather station this year for Christmas. It's hard to believe that the trip is over, but it was a wonderful experience for us all. It was great to see you in Fargo!


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